Whilst brunching at Daphnes last week; soaking up the sun rays and blissfully daydreaming; I couldn't but help over hear the conversation of the two ladies sat next to me.
"Darling, I totally envy your lifestyle; how does one become a Socialite?" quipped one of the ladies.
"Oh sweetie, its not a profession - you either have it or you don't!" remarked the other.
I couldn't have said it better myself!!
So many dream, so many talk the talk; yet very few become fully fledged Socialites. It's not something that can be achieved by wearing Lanvin's entire A/W 09 collection or strutting around in limited edition Christian Louboutins'. Heck having an Ostrich or Crocodile Hermes Birkin doesn't make you worthy enough to join the society.
One most posses a certain '
Je ne sais quoi' - and that's a trait that cannot be bought, traded or cultivated.
It is inherited!
Lest not you lose heart; just because the odds of you becoming a Socialite are extremely slim; does not mean the end of life as we know it! Yes there is light at the end of tunnel in the form of becoming Social Climber?
A Social Climber???
Yah, it's the newest craze sweeping London!
a Social Climber is a simply an individual who lives a Vogue life and is relatively wealthy; but does not have all the attributes to become a Socialite.
"And how would one become a Social Climber?" Well the following tips should get you off on the right path ( and who says I'm not generous!!).
1. Create the suitable background for yourself - Your roots are very important for other socialites and social climbers.
2. Get the right education - Prep School, renowned universities or even studying abroad elevate your social standing. Trying learning a language (French is a must).
2. Get an extremely well-paid job - Strive to be the best in your field or simply fuck your way to the top.
4. Learn how to promote yourself - Have personal business cards made up for yourself and be seen everywhere! Bored? Take stroll around Harvey Nicks, pace Sloane St several times. you'd be surprised at who's watching and making notes.
5. Do your homework - As a social climber, there are a few things you
must know. The most basic thing to start with is knowing the names and faces of the most prominent socialites of the moment. Know your stuff!!
...and London's hottest social climbers?
Alina and Nadia Blinova
Stephanie Smart
Pop. Amalia Bianca
Neil George
Totty x